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Lesson 11 -- Yonis - The eight Directions

From discussions with and writings by Ganapati Sthapati
Copyright Ganapati Sthapati January 1997

In the technology of Indian architecture we find the use of the term "Yoni". Every material object or built space has its own directions with respect to the Sun, namely East, South-East, South, South-West, West, North-West, North and North-East. These directional points are denoted by certain symbols signifying specific qualities. They are respectively called, from East to North-East, Dwajam (flagstaff), Dhumam (smoke), Simham (lion), Svanam (dog), Vrushabham (bull), Kharam (ass), Gajam (elephant), Kakam (crow). They are called "yonis".

In this science of Vaastu it is held that from Microcosm to Macrocosm the qualities or properties inherent are the same, just as a particle of gold possesses the same properties as that of a big block of gold. The smallest part of space-energy possesses the same quality as the biggest particle of space-energy called the universe or universal space. These qualities are said to reflect in buildings. If built according to Vaastu principles, they become microcosms with the positive qualities of these subtle energies.

These directional lines are linear passages or conduits for the energy to flow from the energy center of the structure. These energy lines radiate from the center of the Brahmasthan in straight lines. It is evident that these directions are determined with respect to the Sun, which is a fixed point of energy in the vast space. The lines are present everywhere in the universe. In a true sense, there is no direction at all. The directions come into existence the minute the space becomes embodied and faces the Sun.

The directional lines start from the center of the building and sprout in the eight directions. These energies sustain all material forms. These directional lines are the lifelines of a built space.

In the technological field, the Vaastu Vedins calculate the dimensions, particularly the peripheral measure, of the building. This calculation is not arbitrary, but is done with respect to the wavelength of the individual or individuals occupying the space. They have a mathematical formula to calculate the wavelength, which is made up of "points" or "particles" or "units". Added to that they also calculate various other qualities of the built space and one of these is the Yoni quality. The architect makes a choice of a measure suited to the occupants. The age of the building is also calculated (how long it will live). Remember that the building is a living organism and it vibrates and behaves like a human being. It is designed to possess qualities inherent in the human organism.

The word "yoni" literally means the genital organ of a female being through which descends a material form called the infant. The infant comes from a particle of space that undergoes metamorphosis into an embodied form by virtue of the constructive energy emanating from the soil of the mother.

There are two ways for energy to flow, one of entry and one of exit in a straight line, in between there is a process of form generation. This concept is incorporated in the design of a building signified by the entrance door opening and an opening at the back being in a straight line. This allows the energies lying inside and outside to move in and out without obstruction. It is the backbone of the structure. It is called "vamsa dandam" literally meaning "backbone or "bamboo pole". It is also know as "Brahma dandam" meaning "thread of Spirit".

We will discuss how to calculate the Yoni quality of the structure in a later lesson.

Lesson 12