General Vastu Questions

Over the past few years Vastu shastra has become a very popular phrase, what are the sustainability principles behind it?

Vastu shastra recommends the use of natural materials. My teacher, Dr. V. Ganpati Sthapati in Chennai said the best materials are “mother’s” That is Mother Earth: Earth, stone, wood. These materials are most resonant with Earth energy, most compatable. The space will have the most silence. Also, Vastu Science offers a kind of deep ecology because we are building a structure that has the mathematics to vibrate in harmony with Earth and Cosmic energy structures.

Vastu shastra is originated in India. Are people abroad showing interest in following it?

There is a great and growing interest from Indians in the west and from people open to new ideas in creating a harmonious home. I receive 1000’s of inquiries from all over the world each year.

Do you feel that modern architects are beginning to incorporate elements of this sacred architecture into their work?

Not so much, but there is evidence of these principles being used in most of the classical western architecture. Also there is much evidence of its use in ancient traditional cultures in the west. Modern architects tend to put the ego first. In other words, they use small self, personal decisions in creating the structure. Vaastu architecture design uses laws of nature type thinking to create a building.

What kinds of materials are used for Sustainable Architecture according to Vastu Shastra? Organic?

Vastu shastra recommends the use of natural materials.

Is nature an important part of Vastu and why?

Nature is the only part of vaastu. It creates a structure that has deep harmonious resonance with nature. This is why the buildings promote peace and prosperity.

Why is Vastu called the science of time and space? Why are the timing, direction and position of a home so important?

Time and space are the two basic ingredients in creation. The vastu architect is a master of the laws of time and space. Using these laws to create a structure that is basically the embodiment of time-space reality.

What are the rules of orientation as prescribed by Vastu texts pertaining to sustainability?

The basic rule is to create a structure that vibrates with universal energy and all the little sustainable issues are taken care of.