Books on Vastu


Vastu Architecture: Design Theory and Application for Everyday Life

by Michael Borden

This book about the science of Vastu was written as a simple and clear, yet detailed exposition on the knowledge and basic technical applications for the design of secular Vastu buildings – such as homes and offices. Read more …

Newly Published:   Vastu Architecture: Project Plans and Illustrations – Volume 1

This supplement to Mr. Borden’s first book on Vastu design protocols: “Vastu Architecture: Design Theory and Application for Everyday Life” is illustrated with 80 residential Vastu projects from mini-homes and yoga studios to complex mansions. The purpose of the book is to illustrate the variety of designs that can be achieved while still following the Vastu design protocols.  Read more ...

Indian Sculpture & Iconography

by Dr. V. Ganapati Stapati
This book is unique. It should be placed in the
sacred archives of every nation.
It is a precise
instruction manual of how to create Divine forms in a
sculptural context. To have this book and pass it on
to future generations is a priceless benefit.

The Building Architecture of Sthapatya Veda by Dr. V. Ganapati Sthapati
The complete textbook on building architecture of Vaastu Shastra by the master.
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